Regional Climatology
Arctic Thunderstorm, Northwest Territories, Canadian Coastal
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Course Readings
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To access files that are .pdf (Adobe Acrobat) follow these directions:
Many of the readings listed below are listed with a PDF file annotation. To open these files, you will need Adobe Acrobat® Reader™ software installed on your hard drive. PDF stands for Portable Document Format and is a universal file format that will print text, graphics, charts, pictures, etc. exactly as they were created. If you do not have this software (it is standard on most computers), CLICK HERE for information on downloading the free software. |
To access files that are located on Milne Library Electronic Reserve follow these directions:
Most of the readings for this class will be posted to Milne Library Electronic Reserve. The articles are very easy to access and download. You will need a password to access the site. The password was supplied to you in class. By clicking the link below, you will be taken directly to the Electronic Reserves Homepage. Click Electronic Reserves, then click Electronic Reserves and Reserves Pages, then click Course Reserves Pages by Instructor, then select Instructor Allen out of the dropdown list, then click on your course name. Type the password and you will see the list of readings. Select the appropriate reading as you where instructed on the syllabus and by your professor.
Click this link for Milne Library Electronic Reserves
Kennedy: Climate and Civilization reading
Example Lecture on Arid Lands (click here)
This file will open directly in PowerPoint. You must have Power Point loaded on your computer. Go to any computer lab on campus and download the the PowerPoint study guide. You can avoid printing the dark background by selecting "print grayscale" in the print options menu.
Albedo Illustration (password protected)
Earth's Energy Budget - Allen
Koppen Climate Classification for Portland Oregon Example
Climatology Research Paper and Presentation Guidelines
Lab Exercises
Lab Exercise Two: Climatic Classification and Polar Climates
March 7th. 2003: Lab
exercise day